We Can Sell Your Horsebox


Using our brokerage service take the stress and risk factor out of selling your horsebox

We will give you an experienced evaluation and valuation of your box and will collect to sell from our Bristol workshop

Quick and successful sales are achieved by Preparation and Pricing.


We will have an honest discussion with you on what preparation we would need to do to achieve a quick sale at a good price

Some boxes will not require any prep but others may need new MOT’s,  or advisories attending to on existing tests .

They may require a deep clean ,a little refurbishment  or simply attention to any bits and pieces which are no longer functioning as they should, like heavy ramps ,drooping canopies , dropped partitions or soft floors


The price needs to be a sensible market valuation, not bargain basement but equally not flying a kite


We will give you a price for any work we feel needs to be done before sale and this can be paid when the box sells

We can either sell on a commission basis or give you a guaranteed minimum return figure

We are flexible on this and leave the customer to decide which method they would prefer

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